Nematode Role In The Soil Food Web Nematodes are another important predator in the soil. They fall in the 3rd and 4th tropic level of the soil food web. There are 5 types of nematodes I look for while doing soil assessments: bacterial feeding (consume bacteria) fungal feeding (consume fungi) omnivores (eat both bacteria and … Continue reading Nematodes: Predator and Prey
Tag: soil health
Building Your Backyard Compost Pile
This is the fifth post in the backyard composting series.Now that you've have determined where to put your compost pile, collected materials to compost and understand the basic carbon to nitrogen ratios of the materials you have, it is time to put it all together. The following step-by-step overview is the method I have found … Continue reading Building Your Backyard Compost Pile
What Does Your Fungal to Bacteria Ratio Mean?
The Fungal to Bacteria Ratio (F:B) can tell you important information about your soil and the organisms present (or missing) and the stage of succession your current soil is in. A soil assessment can determine your ratio.Succession is a term used to indicate where you are in the soil health cycle. Different succession levels favor … Continue reading What Does Your Fungal to Bacteria Ratio Mean?
Puncture Vine to the Rescue??
Puncture vine may not be your bike tires best friend, but it is trying to help you improve your soil.
Weeds are annoying because we aren’t listening to them!
Understanding why your weeds exist is the key to preventing them for germinating.